Monday, December 15, 2014

Training Wheels

My first week SIN ENTRENADORA has come and gone. Also, probably the weirdest week of my misión thus far... My pride did me wrong this week, and I ended up completely bed-ridden on Saturday. Monday I started feeling way sick but tried to ignore it, Tuesday I got worse but wouldn't admit it to myself, Wednesday my voice reached the Morgan Freeman range from an intense sore throat, Thursday I got all stuffed up and achy, Friday I ended up with a way bad fever during our last lesson of the day, and then during the night I woke up with a worse fever/chills and a way fun cough and couldn't sleep for some six hours! Saturday in the morning I truly couldn't move, but we had to go to the baptismal interview of the guy we BAPTIZED YESTERDAY (more on that to come) and then to eat with the member because Hermana Mercado said we couldn't cancel with them. THEN I went home to rest because I was pretty much dying. Moral of the story, I didn't listen to my comp when I was told to take it easy early on so I wouldn't get worse, but I didn't want to seem wimpy, and I got a lot worse than I would have! Ah, the things "The Gran Misión" will do to you. But, being sick has definitely brought us closer together. Mexico and I, that is. Being home during the day in bed was really really weird, because we're never never there unless it's morning or night, and we generally are go-go-going all throughout the day. I guess I shouldn't call this week 'weird,' but definitely SURPRISING...we baptized! Someone new! His name is Mario Centurión, and he contacted us. He had been going to the church with an old girlfriend for about four years, and wanted to know where our building was here. Because he had four years of asistencias, he came to the Lomas Verdes Ward twice (last week and this week) and received the lessons from us and was able to be baptized! Crazy crazy stuff! Obviously I was really bummed I wasn't feelin too hot this week, but a way cool experience nonetheless. I want to give another public shout out to my awesome Ward for the sweet Christmas package, the shirt with your signatures is my favorite! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I got another package without a name, from the Holmbergs I think? It's super super awesome, I love all of the cool Little things in there, and I'm going to use the "Plan of Salvation" bookmark next time I need to teach it! The compass necklace will replace my YW medallion that unfortunately is nowhere to be found (it fell off somewhere in the streets), so I'm super happy about that! I want to say thanks to everyone that wrote a letter for my "letter advent" that my family put together, I wake up so excited every day! Your words always stay with me throughout the day, and all I can say is I am so so SO lucky to have all of you in my life, I seriously have the greatest examples all around me. THANK YOU, EVERYONE! It's absolutely crazy to think that I am going to be away from my fam this Christmas, but I'm walking with my brother Jesús Christ each and every day. With every person we've contacted this month, we've talked about the importance of Christmas, the fact that Jesús Christ is the GIFT. I don't know what the phrase is in English, but here the video/theme for this Christmas is "El es la dadiva." I've been Reading the Bible a bit more lately, the life of Jesús. I've probably said it before, but I feel so lucky to be a authorized representative of Jesús Christ in a time when everyone is celebrating Him. I love Him. He gave everything, for me. For you. We give our thanks by sharing this knowledge we have. Please, please, please...look for the people who need a lift! This is such a special time, and everyone can feel it. People are more receptive right now. Take the opportunity to share the Gospel principles you know and love! Help those who maybe don't have a family to spend the holidays with to understand that they are part of a grand eternal family, and they are NEVER EVER EVER ALONE. Give the gift of HOPE, cliché as that might sound! I love you all so much. Thank you thank you thank you, for your endless love and support. I love the church, I love this work. I love you.
Hermanas LeSueur and Mercado- elf hats from her Advent Calendar

Mario's baptism... Emma was deathly ill this day 

Emma, Sister Mercado, and Mario at his baptism
¡Feliz Navidad!
Beeeg Keees Leeeetle Keeees
Hermana LeSueur

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