Monday, October 20, 2014


Hermana LeSueur and a sister from her zone

Em and her companion Sis Salinas

It's my last P-day of my first cambio in Mexico! Next week, I should have my new companion and will be just starting my third. I'm almost 3 months in, isn't that crazy? 
Hermana Salinas is currently enjoying her last P-day of her MISSION, so that's a little crazy. We're excited for our baptism on Sunday, a perfect way to end her mission and begin mine. Dominica came to church yesterday, which was GREAT. Also, fun surprise...she speaks ENGLISH! Jajaja. 
We met all of our goals this week, baptisms aside...but now that we've broken in the new area, I have high hopes for my next six weeks! My Spanish is definitely progressing, when I feel like I don't understand anything or am not contributing as much as I should be I just look back at my first week here, even my first week at the MTC, and I feel a lot better. Teaching is such a cool experience, because I feel as if I learn so many new things every day as well. This next week is pretty packed, we have lots of lessons scheduled that I'm really excited about, especially with Angeles and a few new families we found. I think one of the coolest things I've learned in this six weeks is how to VERY quickly sum up our message to contacts on the street. There's a lot of ways to do this, and you have to change it based on who you're talking to. It's hard, but seriously every person has a need that can be filled with a principle of the Gospel, and if you ask the right questions you can figure it out in a minute or so. Thank you all so much for your prayers, the first cambio is always a struggle and I've definitely had my moments of panic! 
Alma 58:11
Si, y sucedio que el SeƱor nuestro Dios nos consolo con la seguridad de que nos libraria; si, de tal modo que hablo paz a nuestras almas, y nos concedio una gran fe, e hizo que en el pusieramos la esperanza de nuestra liberacion.
In my roughest moment thus far, this was the answer to my prayers. One of those overwhelming moments when you just KNOW that God is real. That He loves you. And I truly felt a peace come over me that I hadn't felt since I arrived in Mexico. I KNEW that He has sent me here for a reason, and He has full confidence in me. Just a wonderful moment from this week, I considered it a turning-point. I love you all so much, make sure to share the Gospel with those around you this week! 
Beeeeg Keeeeees Leeeeetle Keeeees,
Hermana LeSueur
Sisters in her Zone
Her first authentic enchilada
Emma LOVES Hermana Toone from the MTC

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